Today, the Hasbro Marvel team unveiled a new line of Marvel Legends product with a huge Spider-Man theme to celebrate his 60th anniversary! Let’s take a look at what was shown…
“Spider-Man: Homecoming” Peter Parker and Ned Leeds
“Into the Spider-Verse” Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham (Target exclusive in the US, Toys R Us exclusive in Canada)
Iron Spider
Future Foundation Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)
Silk and Doc Ock (Amazon exclusive)
Knull and Venom
“Renew Your Vows” Spider-Man and Spinneret
Retro Lizard (Wal*Mart exclusive)
Amazing Fantasy/ 1st Appearance Spider-Man
These figures (save for Retro Lizard) will be going up for pre-order at 1PM EST tomorrow, April 20, 2022.
The following is a list of prices that I’m seeing:
Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man, Future Foundation Spidey: $27.99
Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham, Retro Lizard: $29.99
Iron Spider: $33.99
Knull and Venom: $77.99
All other 2-packs: $55.99
In case you’d like to see the reveals for yourself, here’s a video of them from earlier today:
Some thoughts:
It’s nice to see a Spider-Man figure with Hasbro’s new pinless features. No more miscolored pins on the insides of his arms or legs. Woohoo!
I loved seeing the toe articulation return to Spider-Man (see the one from the Spinneret 2-pack). This will allow for some much more dynamic posing not seen on a Spider-Man figure in years!
I am NOT a fan of Hasbro’s new packaging without plastic initiative. Now you won’t be able to see any quality control issues until you buy the product, and those that swap or remove parts or figures (whether in store or before returning the item) will be getting away with this horrendous act much, much easier. I myself will not be buying any of these figures at retail stores and will purely rely on online vendors going forward.
The new price points really, really hurt. There’s not much more to say about that.
Silk and Doc Ock were previously revealed, and sold out, but I would keep an eye out for them to go back up for pre-order at some point, possibly even tomorrow, though that is purely speculation on my part.
The Ned Leeds and Peter Parker set looks cool. The likenesses look great, save for the smiling Peter head. The masked Ned head is a great touch. It’s a very neat set.
That Lizard figure is, well, amazing! It looks like it leapt right off of the comic page! He, Iron Spider, “Renew Your Vows”, and 1st Appearance Spider-Man are all must-haves for yours truly.
What sayeth you, Spidey fans? What figures will you be getting? Let me know in the comments section below!